
<∞> you know what i see in a mirror? i see me. you see you. everyone else sees themselves in a mirror. but what we forget is, life doesn't work like that; life doesn't work with just you in it. it won't work without family, friends, and most of all, you. that's why i don't believe in the saying “life goes on without you” because you were here for a reason, you were made to help others, you were made to make me smile, and so much more. so don't think about what others say about not needing you, because maybe, maybe, there's a deeper reason for that, maybe right now they don't need you. but i need you. so smile and be happy. and no, i don't mean a fake smile just so you can impress others and stuff like that; i want you to smile truthfully, to smile because you are happy, and to smile because you were alive. you are an amazing hooman being. and i want you to believe that just how much i want everyone to believe that <∞>