
Yo I know I promised to update daily but holy hell J can’t. Between my procrastination, new books to read, me trying to start drawing again and all that I haven’t found any motivation to write.
          	Also, my results are coming back tomorrow. It’ll decide if I head to a polytechnic or a junior college and I’ve got these pits in my stomach. I’m trying to be optimistic as I have been doing for the past year but holy hell my brain is going through all these what if questions and I just can’t.
          	Maybe I’ll start writing when I’m not this stressed out. I want to believe I’m not stressed but I can’t even think about anything else. This crap has been stuck in my head and it’s worse than the time I broke up with my ex. 
          	TL;DR I’m too stressed—Results coming out tomorrow could make or break my life and I can’t write crud. Once that’s off my shoulders maybe I can actually focus on writing. Sorry for disappointing ya’ll.


@Euphonics not that I doubted that, but I'm glad ♥
          	  Ooooh~ that sounds good too tho
          	  and same XD
          	  Always for you♥
          	  (*^* #neverenough XD)


@KarmaKuro thanks for the kind words! Today went well, my results were pretty good. I’ll be starting to write from today onwards since I’ve been drawing more than writing.
          	  Thanks for the hugs and stroopwaffles (also I bought another teddy bear >~<)


@Euphonics @Euphonics @Euphonics it's fine, darling, and while I can't talk for everyone else; I understand
          	  And I will try to support you from the sidelines as much as I possibly can (most likely by searching for words again cuz I'm utterly useless lol)
          	  Take your time, do anything at all that makes you feel better – as long as it isn't harmful to you. *hugs you*
          	  If I can do anything for you - anything at all - I will do just that 
          	  Now, I've got stroopwafles and luck plush teddies and lots of sweets~
          	  And lots of love~
          	  And two arms so I can hug you even more~  #noshame, now lemme hug all those negative feelings out of you and then beat them up cuz how dare they cause Eu-san stress)