@BloodR0se17 Thank you so much for liking my story it was just my random imagination and i think i'm good in imagination ( making stories ) but my writing needs improvement. Talking about your story , it was really good while reading i was able to imagine that little boy his father and a dead person coming back to life. Your story is engaging and you are doing a great job.
Honestly, being a writer is not my dream. I just want to write whatever and whenever something comes in my mind. I just want to give my imagination some words. It is something i started to like. I want to do it just like a hobby and not a profession. I don't know my thinking is right or not but i juts want to do it like that.
Once again thank you for telling me about putting more tags. All the best for your future work , hope to learn more things from you and get to know you more and other writers.