Regarding the new chapter for Scorching the Earth and my other works going forward: I would like to apologize for the delays when it comes to writing this. I admit that it has taken me a while to even look at this story with school and the local drama within the BW community. It left me questioning what to do with this story and drained of any motivation to write anything that I had in the drafts. I had to step back and realize that I had written this for myself and the few friends that I ranted to. Thus, I will continue it as is until it has been completed. Thank you to those who have been patient with me on this and to those who continue to read this story. I truly do love this narrative even if it started as an impulse.

@EurasianRein10 I am sat for this. I love this story so much, but then again I love everything you write so much. This chapter was EVERYTHING and I can't wait to read more!!!

@EurasianRein10 Thank you for continuing this, I would love to read more chapters (✿ ♥‿♥)