
 If anyone is looking for a fresh Who fix over the agonising summer drought, I'd heartily recommend the new series of Target novelisations, which are adaptations of actual Nu Who stories. Steven Moffat's The Day of the Doctor is shaping up to be excellent so far, deepening the story we saw on TV considerably as well as being as narratively playful and inventive as you'd expect. I've also got Paul Cornell's Twice Upon A Time and RTD's Rose lined up too.


 If anyone is looking for a fresh Who fix over the agonising summer drought, I'd heartily recommend the new series of Target novelisations, which are adaptations of actual Nu Who stories. Steven Moffat's The Day of the Doctor is shaping up to be excellent so far, deepening the story we saw on TV considerably as well as being as narratively playful and inventive as you'd expect. I've also got Paul Cornell's Twice Upon A Time and RTD's Rose lined up too.


@ Jakob_Wren  I always enjoy Martin in anything he does too. Someone once expressed dislike because he was so churlish and grumpy.He/she obviously didn't realise he was playing the part of the grumpy Doc Martin. As himself he is a joy to watch. Did you watch him in "Man and Beast" recently? He was in his element witht four dogs a number of horses which he rides, and a couple of gorgeous Clydesdales with which he works on his farm in Dorset. He was also seen in other countries, thrilled at being able to stroke a tiger, feed and ride an elephant and help the mahout to scrub it in the water, and feed and pat a rhino, etc. In all of this he just couldn't stop smiling, he was enjoying himself so much.