Hello! Pleasure to meet you. I was just one of your readers, on both of your stories, "Peach Soda" and "Glacier", and I just wondering what happened to them. They seem to have disappeared, and just wanted to know if you've discontinued them. If you did, I'll wait for another of your stories. I do love your stories and am excited for any new ones. If course you could be done writing, which I wish you the best, but I just wanted to let you know, you're an amazing writer and inspired me very much. Best if wishes!

I’m very very busy and I do reply when I can here between just to update but I’m trying. Rough patch after rough patch hat hit over and over again because of school and covid so I’m currently juggling so much! I’m in the middle of writing a new omegaverse story and publishing that on this account on a clean slate, if you want copies and possible updates on other stories keep in touch with me via email, mileslaneisgay@gmail.com and I’ll be happy to give you any details you want or if you message me here I can reply here as well but the replies will likely be slow.