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Hello Everyone! I know I have been gone for quit some time. I got really busy during the holidays and had time for nothing and then I was hit by a car. I was a pedestrian that was hiy by a car. I broke the right side of my face, had surgery and metal plates but in place and was unable to open my eye. I also suffered a severe concussion. I am recovering good but still have a long way to go. Soooo I just wanted to let everyone know why I disappeared and that I will be back when I fully recover. I hope that is sokner rather than later as I miss everyone's stories and I se all the updates and am so upset that I can't read them. I can't wait to get back into wattpad, stay safe, don't get hit by a car bc it fucking blows!!! Ill be back!

@EvMarks I'm so happy to hear that. I can't even imagine the pain and suffering you are going through. You are one strong lass! =0) ❤️