Hi Lovely!
I am still writing Everyday for the next 93 days. Yes! I am on Day 7 now and you are just about to Read Day 3.
This has been one interesting ride, dedicating myself to writing everyday for 100 Days was something I had to do for myself as a Writer as it is a form of practice for me.
I am very grateful for your time and if you weren't here reading I'd hardly have been able to write at all!
Day 3 would be live to you today at 7PM Nigerian time.
I write everyday, you read 3 times a week, SUNDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY.
It is always wonderful to read back from you. Please don't stop posting comments, they make me sooooooo excited to keep on writing.
Do you write? Please point me to your works. I want to read you too!
Love you,