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@EvaCanFly First of all, when did I "insult you grammar?" I knew you couldn't write, however, I never knew you couldn't read...I said your writing doesn't make sense.
Still, I have no idea why you have a problem with me. If you can have a "cyber war" with a thirteen year old, why can't I? Not to mention that half of the shit you say makes no sense whatsoever. You stated above that I "decided to settle my hurt feelings." I'm not sure what I said to your 10 year old cousin, but I think the correct term is "annoyed" not "hurt." You also wrote that "You're in some sort of cyber-war with a thirteen-year-old liberal, and you managed to lose it anyway." In case you haven't noticed, I'm not the one who needed emotional support from my I consider that a win.
I also still have no idea what the hell you mean by "For the record, I'll be flying in the skies for a day or two more, what do you think?"
Oh, and remember when you stated that "If "handling [your] own problems" is defined as "run off to Tessa's older cousin", then I'll be surprised," after I told you that (unlike your cousin) I am able to handle my own problems? Well that is totally incorrect because in case you are incapable of writing, reading, AND remembering, you came to ME. You posted a comment on my page regarding the fact that I am a "sourpuss." However, I'd rather be a "sourpuss" than a pathetic teenager like your cousin. So once she's man enough to deal with her own problems, you can send her back to talk to me. Oh, and by the way, I think you just lost a "cyber war" against a thirteen year old. (like your cousin)