
I honestly feel like leaving, tbh bye bitches


Her, With the Blonde Hair is way different from anything I've ever written and I gave myself a stomach ache last night worrying about the response- hence I was up rolling around my bed in absolute pain until I found my heating pad and finally fell back asleep. But yeah, I was a mess last night, 


EXCITED TO PUT OUT MY VERY FIRST POEM FOR WATTPAD OUT TODAY! The White Crayon will be found in Deep (should I change Deep's title, I really kinda just named it after Deep Blue) BUT ANYWAYS it's going up right after I post this message!


Got some great works coming up! Just got back from a getaway at my summer house and got a bunch of outlining done for The Hum! (title may change) looking forward to publishing the first chapter for everyone to read! Will be starting a writing account on instagram so everyone can see my process of starting a story! 


 #RIPChristinaGrimmie my heart is shattered  I honestly dont know who would want to hurt such a beautiful and kind heart  she was so sweet and amazing and did so much in a short 22 years  she was such an amazing singer and i'm proud to say i saw her in concert and loved every second of it. please keep her family in your prayers  she will be missed so much by everyone who knew her and loved her  fly high beautiful