
I thought I would take a minute to shoutout my Inkitt profile since I have been reviewing more books over there recently. 
          	My username is the same over there (Evanescent_Dreamer) if anyone would like to go over to follow and support me. I will be posting content on there in the future :)


I thought I would take a minute to shoutout my Inkitt profile since I have been reviewing more books over there recently. 
          My username is the same over there (Evanescent_Dreamer) if anyone would like to go over to follow and support me. I will be posting content on there in the future :)


Question: What do you think of Inkitt compared to Wattpad, and how many of you actively use it?


@Braxill I've done some book reviews on the website. It's pretty similar to Wattpad, but the authors are paid differently.


@Evanescent_Dreamer I've never heard of it. I'll have the check it out today. Have you used it?


Working on a map outlining a story I've been working on. I didn't know I liked cartography until now.


@WaltonioSmitavelli it really is. I'm pretty proud of my first map. I want to do more already.


@Evanescent_Dreamer  Nice. I started mapping out imaginary continents and islands after I saw the map in the beginning of Lord of the Rings. It's addictive.


I know I don't put out updates much, but I just wanted to say that I've picked up writing again for the first time in years and I'm so excited.


@hargrove_mind_lair I started writing in primary school as well! It comes and goes, but I think it will always be apart of my life in one way or another. This year, I've really loved reviewing so many books from new or smaller authors on the platform.


@Evanescent_Dreamer Yeah, I can imagine. I stopped writing for a few years. I was primary school when I started writing. Just don't be too hard on yourself. My current original stories are so much better than the first ones were. I must have written at least 20 different versions before they became something that made sense lol