
Two days before the next chapter of Jurassic World: Reign is released! 


"It looked like a lizard, but was actually related to mammals. It had a boxy head, a notch in it's jaw, a low hanging body, four small legs, some osteoderms on its back, a short tail, and a tall fan like sail on its back. Many would mistake it for a dinosaur, but it comes from a time where dinosaurs didn't exist yet. And it may be hard to believe, but they are distantly related to humans."
          The eighteenth chapter of Jurassic World: Reign has been released! And this one is titled "The Long Night Begins" which is going to set off the final arc in Jurassic World: Reign which I'm going to call the "Downfall" Arc. 


@Evastarunit73 Please tell me Gia will be adopted into Terry's family at the end.


"He didn't care what it was that Elliot was being accused for, he was just filled with joy that his inferior brother was finally going down. To Henry, Elliot was always too weak, too scared, to take risks. Unlike him who will do anything to further his work."
          Chapter 17 of Jurassic World: Reign has been released. This one is titled "Into The Abyss".


"Though there was still a part of Elliot that loved his brother and only wanted the best for him, he can't keep lying to himself and say he can tolerate him forever. One day, he's going to get fed up with him." 
          Chapter sixteen of Jurassic World: Reign has been released! 


Chapter sixteen of Jurassic World: Reign will be released tomorrow!


@Evastarunit73 cool. Honestly I think that the actions is gonna be about ripper and the raptors since they have had a lot of drama jn the past, and u don't think the characters from indomitable will ever doubt each other. Might be the deinonichuss, but since most of them are far from the facility, it would be unlikely. It might be about terry and the trexes though.