
Oh, hey, Jurassic World: Reign just got 5k reads, noice. 


Oh, hey, Jurassic World: Reign just got 5k reads, noice. 


"A sequel to Dinosaur Train Evolution.
          "Light will prevail."
          A confrontation is inevitable, that should already be obvious from the moment Valkyrie had quit being Alpha's puppet. The tyrant now aims to rid the Pteranodon of everything he loved. 
          Buddy, his family, and his team are trying to find a way to reawaken the unsettling power he had gained during his fight with Phoenix. With the knowledge that he can achieve greater strength than previously thought, that can be a good counter to Alpha to finally bring him down.
          But there are other forces at play here. Buddy's power wasn't unlocked out of pure coincidence. And now that this power has been awakened once more, it has attracted some attention. Very unwanted attention.
          To face Alpha and whatever other forces that he may encounter, Buddy will have to reignite this primal flame that was burning inside of him. It could either be a good weapon, or an omen for destruction.
          Note: I do not own Dinosaur Train or Jurassic World. This is a sequel to Dinosaur Train Evolution. Also, I highly suggest reading the first book in this series or else you'll be very confused."
          The fourth anniversary of Dinosaur Train Evolution has arrived! And this here is a summary of Dinosaur Train Reignition. Along with that, I just released a new chapter in "Story of Me" that details what to expect for the upcoming sequel. 


@RexTExtremeWerewolf2 I'm still gathering my thoughts. I'm probably gonna save them after the story is done so I can give a clear review on it. 


@Evastarunit73 so what is your favorite part as of now? Do you like the idea of extra elements and that the first dinosaur to discover having more than one element was Annie?


@RexTExtremeWerewolf2 yep, that's the cover. Also, I'm not gonna rate it just yet. I need to see how it ends first. If and when that happens. 


Tomorrow will be the fourth anniversary of Dinosaur Train Evolution! And with it, I'll be releasing a chapter in "Story of Me" to give you guys an idea on what I have planned for the sequel. Let's just say, I've gOt some big plans for Dinosaur Train Reignition, and toMorrow you'll be able to viEw them for the first time! I've been working on this for the lonGest while, so stay tuned 'cause we've got a lot to tAlk about! 
          What's with the randomly capitalized letters? Must just be my keyboard acting up. I mean, this is just my announcement post, and plus, I don't really do hidden messages anyways. But I wonder why the keyboard suddenly decided to capitalize those letters specifically.


@Evastarunit73 either you brought a secret ally to Alpha, or something else entirely.


Here's some news for Ripper's Journey III. All of the main dinosaur villains from the Ripper's Journey series always connect back to an aspect from Ripper himself. For the Ultimasaurus, it was that he was made to be the perfect weapon, like how Ripper was made to be Henry's masterpiece. And Nemesis is basically a dark mirror of Ripper's whole being. 
          So, that begs the question... What will the main dino antagonist in Ripper's Journey III be like? And what will it represent?
          Simple, Ripper's savagery. 
          If you've read any of my stories, you know that Ripper has two sides of his personality, a caring Raptor who loves his family and likes to bond with them, and the other is a bloodthirsty beast who's hunger will never be clenched. And as you may know, this side often helps Ripper even though part of him resents it. But what happens when he goes up against something as savage, if not more savage than himself?
          Which means this next dinosaur, whatever it may be, will be the most aggressive of them all. I haven't planned out much, but since I want this thing to be more dangerous than Nemesis, I picked a very "particular" kind of dinosaur for this story. One who has the capability to not only hurt Ripper, but an entire ecosystem. 


@Evastarunit73 Just re readed ur post, and now since you picked a particular kind of dinosaur, my guess is gonna be Scorpios rex or indototorus. Sure they wouldn't beat mega theropods, but they r still very deadly and the scorpios is more aggressive than the indom and indoraptor. Maybetake striker's personality and make him entirely evil.


@Evastarunit73 It did say damage the ecosystem not destroy so maybe an all powerful indom wont be the case. But it would have to Be able to give ripper a run for his money.