
Do ya'll ever watch a TV show and get so emotionally attached to it and it's characters and when the show is over you dont know what to do with yourself at that moment.and it just breaks you inside;cause like same.


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As some of you may have noticed I have deleted most of my books that were published on here. I have decided that I'm no longer going to be publishing and writing stories here. I will be on inkitt; a few of the books you have read from me will be on there. I'll have a link in my bio that sends you straight to my profile.  I'm keeping 4 things up on here. If you didn't already know none of those are actual books. They're just dumb things I have on there. Like when I would get tagged (and felt like tagging other people), book covers I wanted you guys to choose from, and other random shit. Those will always be up, but other than that will be it until further notice. Have a good my loves and stay safe!! <3.


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You shouldn't tell someone to stop eating so much cause you'll get fat when in reality that person has eaten in the 3 days so excuse them for finally getting hungry and filling their fucking stomach. Do you know how hurtful that is. Do you know how much that simple sentence make someone feel so bad about wanting to eat. After you tell someone that it sticks in their head haunting them each and every time they go to take a bite of food.


Just don't bully others its not cool


@jward571 And the kid you called a wimp for crying in the hall his mother is battling cancer and maybe she just died you don't know because you don't care enough to ask and you just jump to conclusions before knowing the whole story so yeah what if he's hurt and crying it takes a strong man to reveal his emotions and a wimp to hide them. Oh yeah ooh I'm popular i can do what ever I want. The main reason why your probably popular is because you hide from your emotions and make fun of people who actually embrace and accept their emotions and who they are. In my experience I was bullied because my mom always came to my school concerts and special things even if it's the busiest day of her life. The person who bullied me actually envied me because no matter how much he tried in his parents eyes he was always worthless.  He had a brother who was 2 years older than him and one day his brother deiced that he should beat him up and because he beat up his little brother he got a new phone and apple watch. So i helped him stop bullying people and he eventually became m best friend. There are always going to be 2 sides of a story. And its up to you to be the good or the bad. Sure you got bullied but everyone gets put down at least 5 times in 3 years. for some it's everyday but you have a choice to get back up and knock them down by leaving and ignoring them then report them to a head master or someone in a place of authority or stay down until they leave and take your anger out n an innocent bystander.


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Why do people make promises then beak them as if they mean nothing. Like what the fuck. A promise means everything but when it's broken sorry means nothing.  A little tip in life don't promise anything if you're not gonna fucking keep it.


A person who would break a promise is saying that their word means nothing and they have no honor.


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My love life really is a Wattpad romance...,......I joked about how I would like to have that happy cliche romance with the little bumps in the road where you get heartbroken and shit like that but, I didn't really think it would happen. Look at Me Now. I'm practically living in my own fucking book :)


@jward571 We all want a true romance but I'm happy for chu!!! 


We can only hope 


Do you ever put on some music and stare at the sky thinking about the world and somehow slowly wanna cry because of everything that's going on around you, what you're going through, and/or scared for what your future is gonna be like?.