To my wonderful followers, just updating you on why I've been away from the story & the page for so long. It was not my intention as I'd been about to post my new chapter and was still writing...but as fate or karma would have it, I was the unlucky recipient of accident that shattered my laptop screen and knocked the hard drive loose. Currently I have my smartest tech on the job trying to recover the drive so that I won't lose everything on it. I'm hoping to have access to it before Christmas/Yule, but just incase I don't please have a wonderful holiday whatever way you choose to celebrate it and know it is my intention to come back to this story and see it through. Love & Light to You All. Happy Holidays everyone! Stay safe & well.

@EveUnderground Don't worry, take your time and relax! We'll wait patiently. Happy holidays to you, too! :)