
Author-China do you know when you’d going to update the fairy tail reader x bnha I’m about to read it but if you have work it’s fine I’m just asking 


Oki author-Chan take your time, I have trouble uploading cause of my online school so I kinda understand ❤️


@Marie1641040 Thank you for your support. I have a few chapters I am working on at the moment but they are not ready for publishing quite yet. Hopefully I will be publishing the next few chapters soon.


Can you please update your kirito x reader story? Its really good! 


@XMagicMirror I thank you for your support and for reading  my story. I am currently having writers block with this story and been bogged down with work. I am currently also writing a fairy tail X Naruto cross over which I should hopefully should start releasing updates for soon. Again I do apologise for the delay to the story and hopefully will continue with it soon