
Guilded, soon coming to the app Episode. Download it now!


I've been thinking about this a lot. My story Ardor has a very, very intense plot. It's a great story, and I believe it teaches a lot of lessons. The problem is, I can't remember to continue writing it. And when I do, my mind is lost and I can't focus.
          Nonetheless, I plan on uploading chapter 6 by Halloween. Wish me luck.


I'm thinking about changing the name of my story Ardor. I don't think the title tells the reader what it's about. Any ideas? Here's a list of titles I've thought of. If you know a book that already has that title, PLEASE tell me. After I change the name, I'll also change the book cover to something that tells a reader more.
          Empires Fall
          All Fall Down [This might be an adult novel I saw my mom reading?]
          All the Kings' Men [Sounds familiar???]
          Kings' Men
          The Empire of Ardor
          Vassalage and How to Destroy a City [Too long? Too much info?]
          Guilded [Catchy? No? Hm... I actually really like this one]


Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I got a tablet to Christmas, so guess what that means?! More frequent updates! I will be starting a new book called My Lucky ChocoCat, a romance between a country girl and a rich city boy, so keep an eye out!