
Hey! Just wondering if you posted the wrong update for Fade Her Away. The chapter is titled Chapter 20: Renewed. The last chapter before that was Chapter 9. I started reading the beginning of the new chapter and thought it didn’t make much sense based on the last chapter I had read. I don’t know if maybe my app is glitching or something, but I just wanted to ask in case this was a mistake on your part. You’re a great author by the way! One of my favorites! I love reading your books!


Of course! You’re an amazing author and I love reading your books!


Just fixed it! That’s on me! Thanks for letting me know


Hey, I was just wondering when you’re going to update next and if you’re going to make a new book after this one is finished? Also, I read your stories on Chapters and they are really good. Are you going to continue writing on their?


I am trying to write a new story though I need help from my readers to try and create a story they will enjoy. I am slowly writing again in chapters as well