
Hey guys I'm so sorry that I've been dead to the world! It's been a busy and very rough at times for the last few months. My dad in late October was fully healed with, what we know as of now, no cancer. So he was scheduled to go back to work, but that same week my dog of four years old died of kidney failure, which led to full on Organ failure. 
          	So I've been trying for the past month to get myself back in order while managed my life without her, school, friends, family, and trying to write for you all. I'm starting new stories and not Crash landing. I may give up on it for now until I can get my flow back with it. I apologize but that's how it is for me right now. Plus all of the ones I've been writing aren't finished, so I'll try not to post it until I get at least most of it written. Plus it's not transformers fan fiction, it's other things so I may write originals and post it. So I'll probably be dead for a while longer until I get something I feel like I can post to you all. 
          	I'm sorry for this, I know I say it often but I mean it. I will try to be better but I cannot promise anything. But thank you all for being with me and stay with me for this, I'm trying my best but idk what I will post. Thanks for being here guys, means a lot to me ❤️❤️
          	~Till all are one~
          	~ Everlast Prime 


@Iloveanimeforev Thanks ❤️and I sure do hope things get better too  I always remember this, while the person you love is gone, they never leave if you have them in your heart and memories. But I hope u are doing well too  Thank you for understanding though you beautiful human ❤️❤️
          	  ~Everlast Prime


@EverlastPrime I'm glad to hear that your dad is better now and that it he is fully healed. I am sorry for your loss of not only a pet, but a best friend and family member ♡, I hope things get brighter for you :)


          Hello! I'm here to inform you that I’ve come into contact with Wattpad’s Fanfiction profile about adding a Transformers reading list to their very popular profile.
          They said you (or anybody else) can submit their story to them, and if it's accepted, they’ll make a new reading list and you’ll be one of the first to be added! And if you need more context, you can go to their Guide Book, and answers will most likely be there! I hope you’ll consider submitting!


          Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world.
          If you get...
          1 back= you are loved!
          3 back= your popular
          5 back= your one of the most lovable people out there!
          9+= wow... I'm jealous


Hey guys I'm so sorry that I've been dead to the world! It's been a busy and very rough at times for the last few months. My dad in late October was fully healed with, what we know as of now, no cancer. So he was scheduled to go back to work, but that same week my dog of four years old died of kidney failure, which led to full on Organ failure. 
          So I've been trying for the past month to get myself back in order while managed my life without her, school, friends, family, and trying to write for you all. I'm starting new stories and not Crash landing. I may give up on it for now until I can get my flow back with it. I apologize but that's how it is for me right now. Plus all of the ones I've been writing aren't finished, so I'll try not to post it until I get at least most of it written. Plus it's not transformers fan fiction, it's other things so I may write originals and post it. So I'll probably be dead for a while longer until I get something I feel like I can post to you all. 
          I'm sorry for this, I know I say it often but I mean it. I will try to be better but I cannot promise anything. But thank you all for being with me and stay with me for this, I'm trying my best but idk what I will post. Thanks for being here guys, means a lot to me ❤️❤️
          ~Till all are one~
          ~ Everlast Prime 


@Iloveanimeforev Thanks ❤️and I sure do hope things get better too  I always remember this, while the person you love is gone, they never leave if you have them in your heart and memories. But I hope u are doing well too  Thank you for understanding though you beautiful human ❤️❤️
            ~Everlast Prime


@EverlastPrime I'm glad to hear that your dad is better now and that it he is fully healed. I am sorry for your loss of not only a pet, but a best friend and family member ♡, I hope things get brighter for you :)


Following my post from a day ago, we found out that my dad does indeed have cancer, bladder cancer so the silent killer. I will not be active for who knows how long, please keep him your prayers if u pray. Thank you all for the support over the course of this year
          ~ Till all are one~
          ~Everlast Prime 


Hey guys...I wish I can say this was an update with good news, but I cannot say that. My dad as of late have been having health problems and he has had a multitude of tests and today he was having a biopsy since they found a mass, I will not say where or who this is since it isn't my information to give out, but he ended up having minor surgery instead. We were informed that it is most likely, and I really hope to any God out there that it isn't, cancer. The doctors believe they caught it early but nothing is for sure as of yet. 
          It isn't confirmed but by the end of the week we should know if it is or not. I need to be there for my dad so any and all of my stories are put on hold. I may post something but I have a bigger role in my house now and I am busier now. 
          Please everyone pray for my dad if you do pray, if your don't I understand. I just ask that everyone understand why I must step back from posting anything at least for now until I know more. 
          Thank you all for being awesome and being there for me by following me. I can't thank you all enough but thank you. 
          ~Till all are one~
          ~ Everlast Prime


Hey everyone! I just wanted to say something really quick. 
          So I noticed that I got 50 followers this morning, I probably saw it late like I usually do, and I literally jumped for joy. I had the biggest grin on my face and I was lucky I was by myself at the time because I cheered like my OTP became official. 
          But I wanted to thank you all so much for all for all of your help and support. You all are seriously the best, and I cannot thank you all enough. Even just voting for a story makes my entire day so much better so thank you. 
          I just posted something for you all in dedication to how awesome you all are. I will also be posting two or three chapters in Crash Landing over the next couple of days dedicated all of my followers as a way of me saying thank you. 
          Still thank you all and keep your beautiful souls shining happily like you all deserve. 
          ~ Till we all are one~
          ~ Everlast Prime


You know you are a Transformers nerd when you are reading something, in a entirely different fandom btw, and a line is similar to a show and you read it in that characters voice. 
          I just did that with Knockouts voice and the line was ( from the original TFP, and as accurate as I can remember) " Megatron will have my head!" The line I read was, " Jules would have my head!" 


Hey everyone! :D I hope you all are having a wonderful day filled with joy and laughter like you all deserve. I know I have had to force myself at times to laugh lately, but that is depressing and I don't want to make everyone sad. 
          I wanted to come here and tell you all some updates that have been going on in my leave of absence that I mentioned in my Crash Landing story, chapter " Family sure is nice to have." This will only be the positive and not the negatives that have prevented me from posting anything new. 
          One thing is that during my leave I have been writing everyday. Some emotion rants that I will never post. But I have written new fan fictions, most are in works in progresses but they should be done if I can just keep plugging away at them. 
          Most of the stories are not of the Transformers fandom but they are fan fictions of the Manwha called Noblesse. It is fabulous and so well written, not to mention he top notch art. I would recommend it to everyone. It may be boring at first but keep reading on and get past the weird art work and I promise that it is worth it. 
          Anyways, I have a few fan fictions in the works in that fandom.  I also have a few originals that I have been writing. One is finished and being edited. It is just a small part of my original novel, that I am working on, that is helping me with the past of my character. I may or may not post it, but I probably will so keep an eye out for that. 
          I have a few other originals that I am working on, but not quite finished. Once they are almost finished I will type them from my notebooks, edit them, and post them as soon as they are done. 
          That is all I have for updates at the moment. Sorry for being vague with the titles, but I don't have titles for them so it is the best I can currently do. 
          Thank you for everyone who is following me, new and old followers. It means a lot to me so thank you so much for the continued support. 
          ~ Till all are one~
          ~Everlast Prime