
I'm back and will be working on a FNAF story. I'll still try to finish up some of my other stories as well, just got a FNAF idea and want to try it before the idea is gone like some of my other stories


I also want to apologize if a lot of stories go unfinished, I'll try to get some finished up. The reason is because with the amount of stuff I have going on, I tend to lose interest despite how much I want to continue. Again I try to find the inspiration to continue but it's hard. I'll continue trying to find it and finish some of these stories. Thanks for your patience.


@EvershallFan it's alright bro take your time. I'm sure you'll be able to think of something. These stories are great 


So I should say the reason there has been zero updates on anything. I've been really busy with Twitter, Discord, YouTube, and real life. I just got a job a few months back so that's more time spent. I apologize and I will try to get more parts out when I can.