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TL;DR: I haven't been writing a lot mainly because of lack of motivation, inspiration and confidence. Hello, just wanted to post an update and apology for my absence. First thing first, I am still continuing the talk girl story. This story has been on my mind pretty much ever since I got a thing for tall women and harems. Second, if you guys wanna know the progress. Well I plan to upload 2 chapters at the same time to make up for it... But well... Chapter 3 only has 1534 words and it's only reaching its climax BUT don't interpret it as being super long. at best it will probably be less than 2000 words (Hopefully not though). Chapter 4 has like 3% of progress even though I have the entire idea on foot. I still pretty much need to finish chapter 3 to really start writing the rest. Now the main reason why I have been absent is because of three things. Motivation, Inspiration, and Confidence. Motivation is a thing that kinda appears out of nowhere then disappears the next day. Like I wrote 80% of current Chapter 3 in a day but just stopped continuing it the next day barely making any progress. I don't know what is up with that. Inspiration is basically; I feel like my writing isn't impressive or good and that is maybe the reason why I'm not writing is because I feel like my vocabulary or flow of my works are bad or mediocre. And that's why I'm not really confident in posting my works, I feel like it's cringeworthy or boring. I don't mind constructive criticism but at the same time, I'm afraid of it. Sounds weird or dumb but that is kinda how I feel. Sorry for all this long ass text, I promise to post the next chapters soon! Hopefully before the end of the month! Until next time.