*clears throat* T O M , S T O P B E I N G S O R U D E !

@EmoAnxietyKid thanks but I pretty much have it memorized XD


I'm terrified to go back to school on Monday. I'm already having suicidal thoughts on a daily basis and it gets so much worse with the stress and added anxiety brought on by *shudders* high school. Winter break had been the closest thing I've had to, well, a break! It's only a matter of time before someone notices how I'm acting at school and calls social services or something… On the last day before winter break, my counselor noticed I was wearing black eyeshadow under my eyes, an attempted Virgil cosplay. She called the nurse because she thought I had a black eye and made me ruin my eyeshadow. Then they called the resource officer and had me talk about my trauma… and I know than when I go back it's going to get so much worse. I hate this. I hate my school. I hate myself. I hate @-_CamoKing_- for doing this to me…

You deserve it more than me. I'm always here for you, or anyone who needs to rant. I'll be there to take care of you.

@EvesTheSGEQueen Thank you so much. Why do I deserve people why care so much…?

This is fun XD how about this one. It's a little harder "And a symmetrical face. If I took a meat cleaver down your face, I'd have matching halves. That's very important."

Happy New year. I feel like quoting a Halloween song for some reason… "Why couldn't she possess your mind?? You can't possess something twice." Points to whoever guesses what that's from first.


The new Sanders Sides. Dhrgtsytfufjrgurhsfseefyibykufiyvogdztsgfjfgfrg

My friend is doing it again and she said, "Yes Vegita?" "Please don't hit me Vegita" "Vegita reminds me of Roman. They're both annoying but both good characters, except Vegita is better because he's a good boi" when I asked if Virgil like L from Death Note. "At first I thought you were talking about Ell, like from Ellsworld." "Yes ms____. I don't even have your class anymore. Wait yes I do. I'm doomed."