♥ Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I looked for a friend,
And then I found you! ♥
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If you break this chain, nothing will happen. It's just good someone thinks you as an amazing friend.
I hope everyone is safe since the wuhan virus is very contagious(like Bang Chan’s dimples) ok but this is not a joke,ppl can die from this and I hope I don’t die when I go to school tomorrow bcos there is a case in a condo near my school and there are students there so I hope that my everyone is safe and pls wear a mask when u go out....I don’t want anybody getting infected. The wuhan virus I heard is even more serious than SARS so I hope u are all ok. Try to a]stay at home if possible. Stay healthy!!!
May you check out my book? If not that’s fine sorry to bother you with this. Thank you IF you did read it and loved it!
The book is called ‘The Vampires’ Pet’