@EvilScientist42 my guy i discovered it like a few days ago and goddman its really good!! The description writing is so detailed and the use of complex vocabulary makes it so enjoyable!! (I sound like an english teacher rn ) but yeahhh probably the best fanfic ive read on this app!! Y deserve waaaay more votes on this one :)
@SteelerSteelix101 I know you posted this on my page a while ago but I've only just seen it. Your friend is welcome to contact me if indeed this is a real request. Your blank profile makes this seem very strange from my perspective though.
@EvilScientist42 my guy i discovered it like a few days ago and goddman its really good!! The description writing is so detailed and the use of complex vocabulary makes it so enjoyable!! (I sound like an english teacher rn ) but yeahhh probably the best fanfic ive read on this app!! Y deserve waaaay more votes on this one :)
honestly, i love how in-character you make your fanfictions in. it's hard to find fanfics like that which actually make sense personality-wise, and even plot-wise :))
Hi there . I see you like Vanitas no carte. Excellent. Would you like to be my friend and talk about the same 3 things over and over again till god himself wishes death upon us?
@YasmineNoir I'd definitely be willing to talk vnc with you. I'm quite busy and may take a while to reply to any messages you send but if that doesn't bother you it sounds fun.