hello everyone, i began writing to get better with my literacy skills and because i have always enjoyed the ideas and the experiences of following a story so one day i decided to give it try, thanks to this platform i was able to do so at absolutely no expenses at all! I remember coming home from school and going straight to my room, connect to the speaker put on a thousand song playlist and just read until i fell asleep. Which usually meant a grand total of about 12-13 hours every day because i do have severe sleep insomnia and it was almost as if i was driven to keep turning pages. As a kid growing up i did have plenty of friends, i played sports, i played video games but i fell in love with movies and cars. However, reading was my biggest foe. It wasn't until i was in the 2nd grade for me to even read a paragraph let alone write one almost as if i couldn't understand and process things. But then one day it just clicked! Ever since then i discovered that through literature, so much information, stories, people, knowledge and events was saved from centuries ago. it was way to connect through to people, from all over the world. So when i came across Percy Jackson; The Lighting Thief during a class assignment it connected two things i have always loved to learn about. Stories and history. I was hooked! so i would read every single book and then eventually it wasn't long until i discovered that people would write fanfiction. As a way to continue on the story (at the time i thought the series had ended but i just loved the characters, i loved the idea of modernized Greek mythology) so i decided i could give it a try. But as it became more and more something i enjoyed it, also became a guilty pleasure of mine. it was only until 3 years ago where i began to open up about my passion of writing however i didn't have the same motivation or compulsion to write. Since 4 years ago my life has had drastic changes, but moving forward i will be creating my own stories.