
I'm Back and better than ever. My Writing has been 1000% improved, so it will be more enjoyable.
          	I will not update Remnant's Reincarnate unless I change my mind. But I have published better works than that. "TEAM RGOS" "RWBY: The Spider" "RWBY: A Different Soul"
          	So, please enjoy my new and better writing and I also take feedback.



@Cool05guy2000 I can guess that either the great tree goes berserk, or turned evil thus probably corrupt the realms too


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            A. Salem corrupts the great tree, but since it was able to create the brother gods. It must be greater than a god like a primordial will or force of nature. So if she does succeed the great tree will turn from a great tree of life into something opposite, an evil tree will a purpose of corruption and spreading its new self.
            B. Salem’s corruption is rejected, and awakens the great tree and setting everything to shit, and someone has to fix’s it.
            Both journeys involve a lot of multidimensional reality altering adventures. Something like, it’s greater than our understanding type of adventure.


I'm Back and better than ever. My Writing has been 1000% improved, so it will be more enjoyable.
          I will not update Remnant's Reincarnate unless I change my mind. But I have published better works than that. "TEAM RGOS" "RWBY: The Spider" "RWBY: A Different Soul"
          So, please enjoy my new and better writing and I also take feedback.


Will you keep uploading Remnants Reincarnate (RWBY x OC)?


@Pongi_1  Ok thank god I thought you dropped the story.


Yes I am, I’ve been busy writing other story’s that will be released soon same with Remnants Reincarnate.