
Hi guys!
          	long time, no talk?? how has everyone been in my absence? a lot has changed in the last two years since I discontinued "Fascination". ... what a corny title amirite? lol anyways, I've discovered so much about myself and had expressed a lot of my personal work to friends and family and they truly believe I have a talent. granted, I believe I do, too because writing is my passion. it had always been something I go to when I have no one to express myself to.
          	anyway, I just wanted to hop on and see how everyone was doing. I miss you guys so much! I haven't been logged into this Wattpad account for a long time and when I finally logged in, I had 99+ notificastions from all the love and support this one book has! the amount of views and votes and comments are being me. I had no idea that so many people enjoy my work.. and tbh that book was written when I was a sophomore in high school  so it's incredibly mediocre compared to how my writing has improved over the years. 
          	I hope to hear from you all! 
          	all the love and French fries to you all ❤


Hey would really appreciate some feedback on my psychological thriller 'Look Into My Eyes'
          See link below :)
          In the event you're not a fan of dark/violent material, have a look at my epic fantasy novel 'Silent Storm' (Chapters to be released every Friday)
          So Read, vote, Share!
          Feel free to let me know if you have any books you would like me to read as well


Hi guys!
          long time, no talk?? how has everyone been in my absence? a lot has changed in the last two years since I discontinued "Fascination". ... what a corny title amirite? lol anyways, I've discovered so much about myself and had expressed a lot of my personal work to friends and family and they truly believe I have a talent. granted, I believe I do, too because writing is my passion. it had always been something I go to when I have no one to express myself to.
          anyway, I just wanted to hop on and see how everyone was doing. I miss you guys so much! I haven't been logged into this Wattpad account for a long time and when I finally logged in, I had 99+ notificastions from all the love and support this one book has! the amount of views and votes and comments are being me. I had no idea that so many people enjoy my work.. and tbh that book was written when I was a sophomore in high school  so it's incredibly mediocre compared to how my writing has improved over the years. 
          I hope to hear from you all! 
          all the love and French fries to you all ❤


Jailey happened. Jailey is real. The ring is massive and beautiful and I feel like a damn proud mama. My parents are together for eternal now. 
          Hailey is a good girl. She's a Belieber, the OG bestie. A beautiful relationship starts with a great friendship, and what they had was real. it wasn't forced, it wasn't for promo. they had a fallout but they fell back together. I'm so happy for them; words cannot express the happiness my heart feels for this special moment in our time. Little kidrauhl has grown into a beautiful man. All I've ever wanted for him was to be happy. And he seems to be in a really good place, now.
          What does this mean for my fantasies and imagination? I'm subconsciously loyal to Justin and his choices. what he chooses, I will stand behind and support him. Like I always have. 
          To new beginnings! xoxo 


THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU'VE PROVIDED ME WITH! I KNOW I'VE BEEN MIA FOR MONTHS NOW. But now that I feel motivated and like myself again, Imma try and hop right back into writing. Hopefully you guys are still with me. 
          Again, thank you so much for the love ❤ 


@kandrews100 muchas gracias, muchacha ❤


@ExcitedJerry glad youre back❤