Uh- Why are you following me?
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I made a How To Train Your Dragon RP if anyone wants to join!!! my account is @DragonTrainer_Astrid ~NOT CHAIR
Uh- Why are you following me?
Can I join? I can’t find Alinas account to annoy her lol
@realDellaVacker idk this acc got locked u have to annoy the council and see if ur on Alina's book
I made a How To Train Your Dragon RP if anyone wants to join!!! my account is @DragonTrainer_Astrid ~NOT CHAIR
Can I join ?????
@SpringWriter18 you have to get added to her 'Exile Squad' book by councillor Alina. this is Chiara btw.
did this acc die or smth ? 'cause den i wanna spam u
CaN i JoIn ThE eXiLe SqUaD?
holy heck this died. .+*Lacey*+.
Guess who posted this (I'll tell you later if you got it right) -Someone
@ItsTheKeefester it wasn't me or Tam. Tams on hiatus and I'm not in the account.
wHo pUt mE aS sAsSiArA? ~Chiara
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