@EvaHart Yeah, he was irritating. And that stupid look on his face... He couldn't fight worth a damn (until that last part, you know) and he was incredibly rude to everyone except Zhiruo. And he killed his dad's friend/comrade/whatever-you-call-it-in-English.
@ExiledQueen Such a coincidence, but my dad is now watching the show on his computer... he was the first one to introduce me to it. It's still my all time fave.
@ExiledQueen Oh. My. God. I love you. Seriously. That was the BEST SHOW EVER <3 I love all the characters. All of them. Even the bad ones. That's how much I frickin loved it.
@ExiledQueen Course you do. But don't you know? Cuffs ain't no streetlord anymore. He's now the High Wizard and consort to Her Royal Majesty Raisa ana'Marianna.
I didn't even realize before. Not until I thought about it.
So does "ana" mean daughter of, or something? Raisa ana'Marianna. Alyssa ana'Hanalea. And whatever else, cause I don't remember the names. (Are there terms like these for the guys? Alister, to be specific.)
Blueblood. Valefolk. Ragger. Jinxflinger. Whatever-you-want-to-be-called.
Help! I need names for fae/elves. I have Olivia (Faye), Elayna, Ayren (a guy), Leif, and Titania (yes, the queen). Any suggestions?
@ExiledQueen Whatever. Just tell me which one to call you.
I can do that too. It's called, open up Google and type in "Seven Realms" and search up character names. (I wouldn't have realized if you hadn't put Gavan, Fiona, Reid, and Lucius.) lol I just realized. Reid Nightwalker Demonai = Anton (Reed) Nightwalker. Awkward...