
New Sundog chapter if anyone cares. Sorry for inconsistency, sometimes life vetoes inspiration.


Haven't done anything on How to English in a while, but you can probably expect a new story called Sundog to pop up here soon. No solid plot or anything currently, nor a decent way to describe it, but I personally think its one of the best things I've written.


AAAAAAAAAaaaaAAAA THe first actual grammar part of How to English is about 50% done!!!! Also I had an idea for a series of songs/maybe a short story??? And I'm making decent progress on an instrumental. Hopefully I can work past my perfectionist tendencies.


Well, it appears I will not be able to continue the Pokemon fanfic because friends will not cooperate, so Infinite is cancelled. Laurel is on (a possibly permanent) hiatus. I have another thing I'm working on, but it may never get posted.