
Happy Birthday Nico! Congrats on living for technically an entire century!!
          	<3 :D


after reading your description... klance? as in.... KLANCE. K L A N C E 
          *wipes sweat off brow* geez, that was a lot of exclamation points.


@Jercy4LIFE_1013 lol, glad to see a fellow shipper :)


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
I just saw a trio of friends in a bookstore and they kinda reminded me of the PJO trio, but also they were on the same level of bookworm as I am and I wanted to talk to them so bad but I was really nervous and my stomach was in a knot and they left before I could work up the courage to say hi. It made me epically sad after cuz I realised I have a gaping friendship hole. Lie, yeah I’ve got a few great, close friends… but we don’t have a connection on that level and I feel like I just haven’t found my people and it makes me so fucking sad istz (I swear to Zeus), like, Aphrodite please help meeeeee.


In my personal opinion, if everyone was I child of the gods then Taylor swift would be a child of Aphrodite, not Apollo. Think abt it, she’s got pretty standard chord progressions and the main flair of her music is her songwriting and singing so obviously she’d have charmspeak. Meanwhile my theory extends to that Lovejoy would be made of Apollo children because of the way they’re bringing back a style of rock while meshing it into their image and Poetic lyrics. (Disclaimer: I’m not a swifty)
          What do you guys think your favourite artist would be descendant or child of?


hey, Ik i don't post a lot, but for anyone who's reading Royal Brambles, I won't be updating the book for the next week or so, but i promise it's not being discontinued or anything! I have exam week next week and then obviously needing to recover sleepless nights. You guys can hound me after abt 2 weeks if you want tho, lmao.