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So, fun fact about the unfunny, slightly psychotic, meme lord that is me!
Apparently I'm very good at making people paranoid, confusing them, and all around mentally manipulating them. You may be wondering "what the fuck bro, why do you say this?". And my answer is that, me and my friends were playing paintball, just the 5 of us and since I'm a fuckin god at paintball it was me vs the 4 of em.Anyway, we rented an arena so we could play just us 5. Lets just say that place was fucking HUGE and had an announcement system that would update the score and shit like that. So, 10-20 minutes after the game starts one of my buddies has to go so we call a temporary truce so he can get out without getting shot. During said truce I managed (despite the no climbing signs) to climb to the top of the tower in the middle, at the top I found one of the main speakers for the announcements. Long story short, I connected my phone to multiple speakers around the arena an basically scared my friends shitless and made them so paranoid about where I was that I got in and shot all 3 of them, got their flag (did I forget to mention we were playing capture the flag? Oh well), and ran all the way back to my base, all in under 4 minutes. So yeah. I also may have required the sprinkler system to spray paint on them. Fun.