
Omg I'm the same my friends try to get the iPad away from me and I yell for them to stop. Lol. Ya some even get mad at me for reading so much. Then they are like wat another supernatural book (werewolves mostly lol) and I'm like yyyyyyyuuuuup.


Omg I'm the same my friends try to get the iPad away from me and I yell for them to stop. Lol. Ya some even get mad at me for reading so much. Then they are like wat another supernatural book (werewolves mostly lol) and I'm like yyyyyyyuuuuup.


thanks for the fan!!!!!!!!!......and Im the same way.............i am constantly reading.............my friends halfway ask what im doing before saying oh ur reading............i have to tell them to sit down if im doing anything else because we have already had 5 triping acidents because i didnt and it was that much of a shock.............i need a life if i read that much..........