
I sort of regret putting two HP books into one story, so I'm probably going to do one book per story after the Chamber of Secrets. Not going to separate Philosopher's Stone and CoS just because I don't like going back to my previous work and tampering with it, I prefer to just leave it as it is.


I sort of regret putting two HP books into one story, so I'm probably going to do one book per story after the Chamber of Secrets. Not going to separate Philosopher's Stone and CoS just because I don't like going back to my previous work and tampering with it, I prefer to just leave it as it is.


Why do some authors make their characters fall in love SO quickly? Like, within about three minutes of meeting each other, they're already blushing and flustered and rubbish like that. I'm telling you, it's going to take me ages for any of my characters to get in relationships, so don't expect anything haha


@kdidier Yeah maybe not like the blushing in itself, but a case where someone pulls them aside and says, "You like him/her don't you?" That's what gets on my nerves, when authors drive the romance narrative of the story immediately instead of focusing on the actual plot


Blushing is a normal but it depends on the situation,if you see a beautiful women /Handsome man it’s not out of pocket to blush.but I get what your saying it’s a turn off when authors make their characters in a relationship so quickly 




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