I see myself as broken clear aqua glass, with pure gold right beside me, my shards sprawled around me telling me to reattach them. I see myself as clear, aqua, sharp glass shards that people attempt to put back together but the furthest I've gotten to is melting the gold. It glimmers and shines, boiling and sizzling. 'use me' the gold whispers. But I'm still trying to figure out which piece goes where. I want this to be perfect, like a long project I can't escape. So I know, when I fix myself, I will have ethereal gold veins as blood, and at anytime of day, people will admire the work. At night, just before the sun completely sets, they will see light. In the morning, stories of who I am. Love. I yearn for love when I am complete. I'm broken, and I always will be. But when I'm fixed, I will be a beautiful broken. So be patient, I will take my time with this, and hopefully you'll be there in the end, my love.