Hi Simone,
It might be a while before you read this but I was recently going through my books and found a hard copy of Royal Blood One Commitment, I bought it way back when you first printed it, with the plain black cover haha. I was reading it and it felt super nostalgic but I came to the end and craved the 2nd book. I could have sworn I remember reading it but maybe I've lost all my marbles, it wouldn't be surprising. Anyway if it is hiding anywhere and you can point me in the right direction I would love to read it (again?). Hope you are still enjoying writing, I remember reading your stuff when I was pregnant with my first of four kids, now she is a teenager. It was so strange to read it and remember how I felt all those years ago. Life is funny and it goes too fast so I was excited to read something that made me feel like the 20-something-year-old I was haha.
Anyway fingers crossed I'm not just crazy and best of luck to you.