So I saw that your book was up for adoption. I don't know if you already found someone but if you didn't I would love to adopt it. I loved the way you wrote it and I think I have some ideas you'd like. If you don't want to that's fine also.

If y'all want to read something interesting, look up the ballad of Nearly-Headless Nick.

My honorary brother is dating my second cousin, and I don't know who to threaten to not hurt my fam!

Sit them in a room together and threaten to kill them both if either heart gets broken

I'm so happy! My girlfriend got me flowers fur Valentine's day and delivered them to my class! Bait Valentine's day!

Harry potter is amazing. Eccelent wand work, Love him as a character. People like Ron and 'Mione just bring it the best. Yule ball was one of my favorite events. Very Organized and Magnificent. Is there any reason for Severus' attitude, Though? I'm mean, Right though, You can only do certain Insults before No one Gives a damn. Trelawnt was awful too. Occlumency was useful. Killing Harry's joy was not. Instead of being carefull, Lil' miss loose Lips spilled trash about My favorite Eccentric Gryffindor. J K rowling Lots Of Love!

My whole family is mad at me for making a big deal out of something that isn't. But it IS a big deal to me. I got a pride mug on Christmas- from my mom. I put it with my special stuff, in my room, because I didn't want ANYTHING to happen to it. That mug is the ONE thing that has ever shown she acknowledges me, and supports me. Sure, she's never said anything bad, but she's never said anything good either. So when I got that mug, I wanted to keep it nice, and locked up, only for me to use. So I put it in my room. I still used it- any chance I got. UNTIL it wasn't where I put it. My family said "Mugs go in the kitchen." It wasn't in the kitchen. So now I'm freaking out and looking for it.

Friend sent this: There was a fly above a river A fish sees the fly and thinks "If it comes down about 3 inches lower I can jump up and eat it". A bear sees the fly and the fish and thinks "if the that fly goes a few more inches lower, the fish will jump to get it and I can snag the fish in the air". A hunter who's been tracking the bear for some time doesn't have a clear shot but sees the fly, fish and bear and thinks "if that fly goes a little lower the fish will jump, the bear will move for the fish giving me a clear shot". A mouse sees a sandwich dangling out of the hunters pocket and sees the fly, fish and bear and thinks "if that fly goes a little lower the fish will jump, the bear will attack and when the hunter shoots the recoil should make the sandwich fall". A cat sees the mouse, sandwich, bear, fish and fly and thinks "if that fly goes down a couple more inches, the fish will jump, the bear will attack, the hunter will shoot, the sandwich will fall, the mouse will go for the sandwich giving me a chance to pounce". Then it happened. The fly came down about 3 inches, the fish jumped to eat it, the bear went for the fish, the hunter took his shot and the sandwich fell, the mouse went for the sandwich. Unfortunately, the cat overshot his jump and landed in the water. The moral of the story is, when the fly drops 3 inches pussy gets wet. I am dying

For the past month, I keep craving Sour Cream and Onion chips, along with sweet tea! I don't even like sweet tea! For all I know, when you crave something, it means your body is trying to sort aomething out, but those have almost no nutritional value! If anyone knows why I have these, please answer. Usually cravings go away after a few days. Honestly though, I'm just weirded out by this.

Happy Thanks Giving to those who celebrate it!