Well. Uhm. Hi. First things first. Hello, you may refer to me as X.s or simply X. Oh that sounds weird. Anyway yeah. Im in a few fandom's. The Arcana, LoZ, WoF just to name a few. I may seem awkward here but I may seem very different when/if you talk to me... I fangirl really hard when brought to topics that imma fangirl for. That seem's obvious... Also! I might start too write eventually. Don't count on it. Though I doubt anyone would. Yeah. If I do start to write though it would probally be fluffy fanfic stuff. I do curse so expect that from me. And, uh, if you've ever got an idea no one else will listen too. I will! God i sound desperate. I'll leave it off here. Bye.
  • JoinedDecember 31, 2018
