
This app was my starting place for roleplays. I’ve met so many people here, some I regret that time and my ignorant actions caused them to move away from me. I’ll always hold those memories close to me. 


So. Popping up again in wattpad is kinda jarring, it feels like a lot has changed and I even go back to my old cringe account lmao. Even if it was awful, it brought a lot of happy memories to me. Although I don’t use this app a lot now, it brought me into rping. I met a few people, had a lot of fun, sometimes not a whole lotta fun-… but, still. Although I kinda wish I could go back. I’m alright with how I’ve grown, and I’m still growing. 


Was I too smut focused? Tone it down a bit? 


@TobieSylar I appreciate it, would you like to choose one of my ocs and fill the form out? We can go to DM’s afterwards if you’d like?


@ReformedPerson245 Ofc! I'm fine with anything. It can be sometimes or not. Its your choice


@TobieSylar I wouldn’t be opposed, but will it just mostly be smuts? I would rather have a story filled rp with the chance of smuts. Though smut can be pretty high, just not always. 


There’s a strong pull to stop smuts for a bit. I’ve been struggling with a lot lately and with some old issues. I wanna reignite my love for roleplays without searching for smuts. Although I like doing it, I just think it’s been too much of a focus for me and it’s kinda been draining my mental health. 
          I’m only willing to allow certain people to continue to smut with me.