
The next chapter of Ex-Sith - Duel of the Droids is up now!
          	I’m actually really excited to post this, because it’s got a very special conversation at the end that I’ve been thinking of since I first started thinking about creating Ex-Sith! And if you can’t tell already, it’s gonna be a slow burn. 
          	Let me know what you think! <3 


The next chapter of Ex-Sith - Duel of the Droids is up now!
          I’m actually really excited to post this, because it’s got a very special conversation at the end that I’ve been thinking of since I first started thinking about creating Ex-Sith! And if you can’t tell already, it’s gonna be a slow burn. 
          Let me know what you think! <3 


Hello my lovelies! 
          Today Ex-Sith reached its first milestone! One thousand reads, and I absolutely could not be happier. This book truely is my great love at the moment, and I can’t see that changing as every chapter feels fresh and new in some way. To celebrate I went out and brought myself a celebratory forty dollar slab of brownie, that I’ll be eating over the next few weeks probably, and sprinkled 1K into it with icing sugar. I wish I could share a piece with all of you who keep up with the updates or even those of you who gave it a chance. I appreciate you all so much it’s insane! I’m rambling, I’m sorry. I’ve just gotten into bed and I’m a bit fatigued from the day. A bus tried to turn into my car on the way to the shop, not fun. (Nothing happened, just got a bit of a fright). So, if my thoughts seem a bit scattered that’s why. ‘XD
          Love and appreciate you all so much!
          Eyelyn! <3


Two important things!
          1. New chapter of Ex-Sith up now! Go read, enjoy! Let me know what you think!
          2. First, uhm, standard, Sidemen Sunday watched in two weeks! Verdict: I’ve missed these chaotic boys so much it’s insane! So, I have absolutely zero doubt that Eighth Member will return at some point in the near future! 
          Much love, as always, 
          Eyelyn. <3


Hello my lovelies. 
          I'm just making this announcement to update you all on what's happening. As it currently stands my interest in writing for the Eighth Member has dwindled. I'm not one hundred percent sure what it's due to, there are a few things that it could be. Namely, the current, stressful, chapter I've been working on, or the fact that I haven't really been watching any Sidemen content since Inside was running all last week, not really wanting to watch it personally. 
          But anyway, I'm really really enjoying writing for Ex-Sith and that's what I'm going to do for the time being. I have no doubt that once 'regular' Sidemen Sunday's pick back up I'll get inspired again, for the time being however I'm going to do what makes me the happiest. 
          I will update you all further when I know more. 
          Much love, as always,
          Eyelyn. <3


Fr brav i was waiting when will inside show will end and normal sidemen sunday will make a comeback. And dw Chill take your time


New chapter of Ex-Sith out now! <3
          P.s. yes, I did change my profile picture. 




@jennini78 Which is why I stated that I changed my picture. But it’s okay! Everyone always thinks it’s Evelyn, people have even asked if I’m sure that’s not what it actually is.  XD


☠️My ass scrolled passed your acc 3 times 
            Trying to find your acc KAKAKA i read eyelyn as evelyn 


Well! Today marks the third anniversary of Experimental! 
          I don’t really know what to say other than I’m extremely grateful for all the love and support I’ve received from it. Let’s keep it going! <3
          Much love, as always, 
          Eyelyn. <3