
ITS FINALLY OUT!!! I published two complete poems to make up for my time away in college


So ...I'm really bad at using wattpad (still) and still don't know how to dedicate my stuffs to certain people . Okay so let me be clear :my poems are generally dedicated to all of you who are reading this(and NOT reading this)  . BUT,if I DO want to dedicate a post to a certain little someone ,I will write it down somewhere in the title,description or the chapters itself .


Alright this is getting (I'm gonna swear here so close your eyes kids) FREAKING (nope I'm not gonna swear,there could be kids following me) ridiculous,I was browsing through my recent followers (which I'm really grateful for) homepage,and the only thing I saw there was "thanks for the follow" . I mean,really? That's it? The only thing i saw that was different was a guy named Kevin posting "hi" on  my most recent followers page,at least there's a change isn't it. DamnDamn 


Yay I already posted my poem,the next one is quite good though,probably better than this,but that's probably what every other people say so I don't mind if you don't believe it. Anyway ,still,sorry for not posting more poems like how I should be,its just that I'm too busy with work(yes I have a job now,lowly job though)


I don't know why I'm posting it here but here it goes.      The golden moon ,  slowly devoured by the clouds in the sky , I can sense the presence of doom , reaping souls tonight.  Sorry guys I don't know what came over me,it just suddenly came out


Just a shout out about Fear. This poem is a forced poem so basically its not one of my best. Totally understand if you think it sucks. ANYWAY.MY NEXT POEM ( ENJOY LIFE) IS PROBABLY ONE OF MY BEST AND IMMA STOP USING CAPS now