So, I'm almost done with chapter 19. Hopefully I can upload tonight.
I'm not going to apologize for my lateness this time. Honestly, university has me tied up a little. And the only time I can write is when i have breaks between classes.
But that's impossible right now.
Those of you who know about the university riots in South Africa should understand.
Here where I study has been insane. I was in the library when the protesters started to riot there. We had to evacuate, then they set fire to some of the halls. Trashcans are overturned everywhere.
They became violent recently, and most of the classes are canceled, buildings are locked. The riot police are shooting rubber bullets and everything is generally shitty.
So I'd like to ask everyone to be patient. If I take long to update, there is a reason.
I love you all.
Xx Pisces