
Alright My Lovelies, 
          	It's time for your "Word Of The Day: Na'vi Style" 
          	Today we're learning something considered vulgar in the Na'vi language... AKA: a cuss word. 
          	Your Word Of The Day: 
          	It means: Son of a bitch. 
          	So, when someone pisses you off and you don't wanna get smacked in the back of the head by your mom, you'd say, "Kalweyaveng!" 
          	(P.S. I'm still procrastinating writing chapter three  _(._.)_


Alright My Lovelies, 
          It's time for your "Word Of The Day: Na'vi Style" 
          Today we're learning something considered vulgar in the Na'vi language... AKA: a cuss word. 
          Your Word Of The Day: 
          It means: Son of a bitch. 
          So, when someone pisses you off and you don't wanna get smacked in the back of the head by your mom, you'd say, "Kalweyaveng!" 
          (P.S. I'm still procrastinating writing chapter three  _(._.)_


Hello My Lovelies, 
          Have any of y'all put off writing a chapter subconsciously because of how sad it is? 
          I'm currently writing the third chapter of my Avatar fanfiction, and it's been hard trying to write. 
          I have the motivation to write, and a thousand words outline to work from, but it's hard to write. 
          It is a sad chapter and even though I knew how sad it was from the outline and idea of the chapter, I've re-fallen in love with my characters and to have a to write this really heart wrenching chapter (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ) 
          I don't wanna!!! ( ཀ͝ ∧ ཀ͝ )
          So know I'm procrastinating even further by asking y'all if you've had the same problem... Please tell me I'm not alone on this. 


Hello My Lovelies, 
          It's time for your "Word Of The Day: Na'vi Style": 
          Today's phrase is: 
          Ngari 'efu oe tunu 
          This translates to 'I Love You'. But not just an I love you, you might give to your parents, family, or friends. It's a romantic love, the direct translation is: 'You are most beloved to me'. 
          Hope y'all enoughed your lesson! Hayalovay! (That's for another lesson ;)) 


Hello My Lovelies, 
          I thought, since I've been using a lot of Na'vi words and phrases for my fanfiction, I thought I'd share some with y'all! 
          And for those thinking, "Why would I want to know a made up, alien language?" 
          Thank you for asking!  #1: I myself don't know the language, but know of a couple of words here and there. I'm not learning the language, just using the native language of main characters in the Avatar Universe. And I happen to know a few of those words. And since James Cameron hired Paul Frommer to make the Na'vi language, it's an actual language! So it's not just jibberish, it's a real language!  #2: It's fun! How many opportunities do you get to learn an alien language used in James Cameron's record breaking movies? Come on, learn with me! 
          So I'mma call this series: Word of the Day: Na'vi Style. 
          And we'll begin with: 
          Kaltxi meaning: Hello 
          Ma meaning: Vocative marker used to indicate whom the speaker is addressing. Can be used with a name. 
          'Eylan meaning: Friend 
          So if you want to say, "Hello, friend" 
          You'd say: "Kaltxi, ma 'eylan!" 
          Hope y'all enjoyed your Na'vi lesson of the day! ♡


Alright My Lovelies, 
          I need y'alls opinions once again! So let's begin another debate/Q&A! 
          What do y'all think about language glossary pages? 
          Typically in fantasy books there'd usually be a glossary page filled with word meanings. Whether that's for a language, slang specific to the story or region, or a guide to how the characters accent work in the story. 
          Now I personally like the idea, especially since my fanfiction is set in the Avatar Universe and in that universe they speak Na'vi. 
          My one problem is that if you're reading on chapter thirty and a character mentions or says a word or phrase like, "Fyape syaw fko ngar", now you gotta scroll all the way back to the glossary page to find the translation, then scroll back to the spot you were reading without scrolling too far ahead. 
          I've seen it where in the beginning of the chapter they'd do something like this: 
          Na'vi Words: 
          Fyape syaw fko ngar: Translation: Are you well; do you have peace/well-being 
          Then follow with a line like I showed and begin the chapter. Which I personally really like, because then you can just scroll to the top of the chapter to find the translation, instead of of a whole different page. 
          So what's y'alls opinions? 


Hello My Lovelies, 
          It's time for another debate/Q&A! 
          Today's subject is promoting your fandiction stories on @fanfic. 
          As some of y'all know, Wattpad has an official fanfiction page dedicated to fanfiction writers. 
          My question is: How do you feel about promoting your fanfiction story/stories on @fanfic announcements? 
          The reason I have this question is because, a couple days back I was scrolling on @fanfic announcements and saw many people promoting their works their, but I also read some comments of people who... In not so nice words, said they thought it was weird people were promoting their works there. Some saying that, "They didn't want fame and they wanted to get reads naturally." 
          Now I totally get this, but here are my issues: 
           #1: They were saying this as replies to people's promotions and weren't very nice, almost bullying these people. And as y'all know, I'm against bullying, so I found the way they went about it to be very rude. 
           #2: The Wattpad algorithm can be tricky at times, so much so that writers have learned to post on certain days, with a certain amount of words, and have to post very frequently or else their story gets pushed aside by the algorithm. So additional help, (such as posting on a page literally meant for fanfiction writers) is appreciated. 
          And #3: Isn't posting on your announcements that you have a new chapter of your story posted not natural? Isn't using tags not natural? Isn't putting a captivating cover and description not natural? I'm just saying, you're not just throwing chapters out there and hoping people read, you're using things to help people find your stories. And people like myself who go to places like @fanfic and look at people's stories, it helps. Just like how when the people I follow post on their announcements that they just posted a new chapters, it helps me to know. 
          I'd really like to know y'alls opinions on this, so please let's have a civil and open debate. ♡


Hello My Lovelies, 
          I need y'alls opinions once again, because I believe this is again, another big debate amongst fanfiction writers. 
          What do you guys think of "Face Claims Chapters"? 
          Now my question isn't about the opinion of face claims, because I believe even the best of writers like to have a reference point to how their characters look. Whether that's using drawings, celebrities, or making AI generated images. 
          My question is mainly this: What do think of a chapter at the very beginning of your book, before the first chapter, but usually after the author's note, that is a chapter dedicated to pictures of what your face claims look like. 
          For example, my OC father's face claim is Luke Grimes. I also have probably ten side characters who have face claims. Funny enough, my OC doesn't have a face claim. See I thought of this story because of my MD (Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder), so my OC's looks are based off of me. Which is perfect in a sense because I'm half white & half Spanish, but I'm more faired skinned and look white. Whereas my OC's mother is Trudy Chacon (my fanfiction is set in the Avatar Universe) and her father is my Luke Grimes face claim, making her half white & half Spanish. 
          Anyways! I say all that to say, i wanna know y'alls opinion on the "Face Claim Chapter" and if y'all think it's good or if it disrupts the flow of the book? 


Alright My Lovelies, 
          Here's another debate/Q&A. 
          What is y'alls favorite and least favorite tropes? 
          My favorites would probably be: 
          Friends to lovers: 
          (If it's done right and their chemistry continues to grow after getting together) 
          (Platonic or romantic) 
          Love triangle: 
          (Not in the traditional sense, more of the main character loving/caring for two people and is willing to let them both go for growth. And especially when the two love interests aren't rivals, more of acquaintances or two mature adults realizing being immature and hating each other doesn't help anything.) 
          My least favorites are: 
          (Do I even have to explain???) 
          (Mainly when there's a large, inappropriate age gap. But a college student with a young professor might, MIGHT be ok) 
          "I was sold into __": 
          (The very popular fandiction trope where the main character is sold to One Direction, any major K-Pop group, and the mafia... Just no) 
          I have more favorites and least favorites, but these are probably my top three for each. 
          What are y'alls favorite/least favorite tropes? 


Alright My Lovelies, 
          I need answers to a long debated question for writers. 
          Which is better: 1st POV or 3rd POV? 
          (2nd POV isn't an option) 
          Because of my MD I see and outline my chapters alot like 3rd POV, but I've only ever written in 1st POV (correction, I did try to write in 3rd POV and got bored really quickly). 
          Since I'm almost finish outline most of my chapters (Maladaptive Daydreaming stay quiet!), I'm going to begin writing soon and I was curious of people's opinions on the debate. 
          There are one or two chapters in 3rd POV in the beginning then switches to my OC POV later on. 
          The thing I love most about 1st POV is because you can literally read their internal dialogue, where as 3rd POV we don't always get that. 
          What do y'all think? 


Well, as an opinion I do like 1 point of view. My reason is it puts you into the characters shoes and almost makes you feel as if your the character. But of course that’s my opinion. :)


Hardest thing about writing with ADHD and MD... It never ends! 
          It takes forever for me to work up the brain space to write, and if that writing streak it broken? Kiss writing that chapter goodbye! 
          And with MD it's the fact that you'll continue to add, and add, and add, and add, to your story, because your brain won't shut up with good dialogue ideas! 
          ... Anyways, that's my night so far. How's your been? 


@Blackarbiter Wow! I hope they agree, because your writing is awesome! As for your sister's book, I feel that so much I'm having 2020 Wattpad flashbacks XD


My night has been pretty good my friend and to what you were saying. I absolutely agree with this as I have a sister that has the same issue. She was writing this really good horror book and was going to post it on Wattpad but just left it after she found a game she really liked. I was like how could you leave such a good damn story and she was like cuz I can. And I’m tell you my Aspergers was killing me since I absolutely loved that horror story she wrote. XD But Alas she completely stopped, it’s okay though I decided to pick up more on that in my books as I honestly need to enthrall myself back into my main genre again. That is my main hope for The Loved Of A Thorned Rose, The Defilement, and The Dismayed and with the Dismayed I’m going to have Wattpad look at it and see if I can get them to look into the story to see if it’s worth there time into considering it to be a payed story. But of course that is fully up to them and if they don’t I won’t be butt hurt about it as I was just wanting it out there for readers to get to read something more horror and apocalyptic fun. 