Hi ! It looks like you stumble across my profile! I welcome you with open arms, dear friend.
My name is Ezmanda, I'm Canadian and I'm 13 years old.
Since I'm a Quebecker, my first language is French, so my English can look bad, even if I'm in an enriched English program.
As you may saw in my username, EzmandaWarriors, I LOVE Warrior Cats! So here is a list of my favorite characters (in order of preference) :
✧Runningwind (bae)
✧Fallen Leaves

My main account is Ezmanda, but don't look out if you do not speak French, it'll be pretty useless...
Anyway, have a nice day!

Icon base ☛ https://puqqie.deviantart.com/art/F2U-Big-cat-base-502417238
  • ThunderCamp
  • JoinedAugust 16, 2017
