
Hey guys. I am into reading now. Who would want me to read their works? Please comment below


"I have never been a person to hold a grudge actually, but the pain of losing something important to me took over a portion of my brain, as if dealing with it was energy expenditure enough, without the effort of new thoughts. It stole the part of me I most wanted to share with others, my light and laughter, my generous heart. It was the sort of pain that burns, as if some invisible flame were held against my skin. The emotions of loss were that way, right? Death, abandonment, or betrayal, they all led here."


Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I have to take down my original story, The Egrariand Chronicles. I will be having my debut book launch this January. 
          But for those who still want to read it, you can reserve a signed copy of the limited edition of my book. 
          Thank you for everyone who read it and supported me in my journey in writing this series. It means the world to me! Without you, publishing my masterpiece will not be possible!


@Ezrielsnow CONGRATULATIONS! That is amazing!


Hey guys, after months of hiatus, at last I found myself writing again. Just have to deal with life lately. Things weren't getting better as of the moment but I know it won't last that long. I hope so. But anyway, just updated Chapter 13 of Egrariand Chronicles Book 4.. Read and Enjoy! 


          How are you? 
          *smiles sweetly*
           I’m hoping you’re doing okay. You’re a nice sweet person so I hope life’s treating you well. Oh, you’re probably wondering why I’m texting you. I was just wondering around the neighborhood and I saw an angel, they seem lost. I walked up to the to see if they were okay. They looked at me and said “do you know where the other angel I was supposed to watch over last night is?” I asked what they look like and they showed me a picture of you. *smiles* (Send this to 14 people, plus myself, to prove how much they mean to you. If I don’t get this back that’s fine, it only shows I don’t mean anything to you.)


I couldn't suppressed my emotions any longer and let them flood all at once and now, I can't stop crying. This is what I'm avoiding in the first place because all I feel now is emptiness and pain.


@Ezrielsnow | Very sorry for the late response, but what happened?


@mrdhajjo I dm it to you.