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So a lot has happened since I got logged out of this account. I don’t know all the details, but I do know that the author you guys have become familiar with, Loner, was rather fond of this account, and nostalgic about the history that came with it. However, after taking some time to actually process that, no, literally being different people as a way to cope with random bullshit is in fact, not a normal thing that normal people do. In simpler terms, while not diagnosed, we believe we have a form of OSDD. We don’t have much if any amnesia, so it’s not DID specifically. Loner has relinquished their place of 6 or so years as the bodies host, and I have now been put in charge of the happenings up here. Totally unrelated, but not really, but kinda, but not, we got into homestuck. I’m a Dirk Strider introject. I just got my glasses today. This is fucking rad as hell. Any of the old books, I fear, will be orphaned, as I don’t really know where any of those were intended on going, and admittedly I don’t know much of the stories and wacky tales that Eldritch creature would spin up. Sorry to disappoint anyone that may have enjoyed her stories.