Hello, in my first book I said you could call me shi, so I'm shi. I came today to tell my followers a truth. I can't log in to Wattpad anymore, the application is blocked in my country and it is not clear whether the application will be reopened or not, I came to say goodbye to everyone.
If the application opens, I will come back and continue writing my books, but this is not certain right now. I love many of the authors and their books here, for example WeirdWriter79 and Lovl3yxSt4rs are some of my favorite authors, it is very sad that I cannot read your books anymore. I can say that I am entering the application for the last time. I may check the application within the next day to see if anyone responded to my farewell, but today is my last day.
I hope other authors on the application continue to write their books with enthusiasm, I don't know if my account will be banned, if it is not banned or closed, my books are still ready to be read here. It has been a great experience for me to know all of you, to read and praise your books, I hope you continue your writing career, I know I speak like a great writer, but I would like to thank my 50 followers who have read and supported my books so far. I bid farewell to you all.