
These days ı feel generous. 2 chapters in 8 days.


Hello, in my first book I said you could call me shi, so I'm shi. I came today to tell my followers a truth. I can't log in to Wattpad anymore, the application is blocked in my country and it is not clear whether the application will be reopened or not, I came to say goodbye to everyone. 
          If the application opens, I will come back and continue writing my books, but this is not certain right now. I love many of the authors and their books here, for example WeirdWriter79 and Lovl3yxSt4rs are some of my favorite authors, it is very sad that I cannot read your books anymore. I can say that I am entering the application for the last time. I may check the application within the next day to see if anyone responded to my farewell, but today is my last day. 
          I hope other authors on the application continue to write their books with enthusiasm, I don't know if my account will be banned, if it is not banned or closed, my books are still ready to be read here. It has been a great experience for me to know all of you, to read and praise your books, I hope you continue your writing career, I know I speak like a great writer, but I would like to thank my 50 followers who have read and supported my books so far. I bid farewell to you all.


@F0x_sh1 omg you are literally the best writer! I luv the book "Aren't we too young for this" tbh it's my fav :3 i am so sad that you ahve to leave! U rly make  a deference in the community! :(


@ 0bsessed_Fan  ı'll try but some people are saying after a few days VPN doesn't help us, 


@F0x_sh1 u could try a VPN and see if that works ‍♀️


Some people have to learn what is RESPECT. You cant call me "foreign clown" because ı spelled dıary wrong plus ı dont know if you know but dairy is also have another meaning same as dıary.
          Also I'm already saying that it's not my first language and ı can write some words wrong but looks like someone wanted to act like barron.
          Do ı need to delete the book? Now ı'm not in a Psychology to handle things like that.
          Some people need to remember not everyone in here is using wattpad to just write fun things, sometimes people is writing their book eagerly and when they see bad comments it makes their writing excitement fade. But some people are just like barron. 


@ BellaTrixthatsme  at mt own language there's not any fan of sbg if you count fans there are not even 5 fans


@ F0x_sh1  thanks, ı'm just gonna block that guy, ı dont need weirdos comments under my books. 


@F0x_sh1 hey don't worry about that weird guy, I think he's a troll he commented the same thing on someone else's account so don't let it bother you. Your story is great kiddo 


 sometimes when I am writing headcanons ı am using some headcanons from other books ı read about sbg but I'm doing it without realizing like it came to my mind suddenly and ı'm putting it to, ı hope ı am not doing something wrong and if I used your headcanon or oneshot idea in my book I' m sorry I have a bad memory and ı am doing it without realizing


I changed logan's backstory on 'aren't we too young for this?' story, please read his part on chapter 1 if  you are reading my book. 


@ vfvbgfb  nope, they met at the mental asylum but tyler and taylor, ben and aiden still knows each other


@F0x_sh1  it's rlly good, but do they not know each other?


@F0x_sh1 will do captain *salutes* 