
For the one bellow ^^
          	Honestly there as more but I can’t remember things to save my life apart from if it’s about one direction OOOO FUN FACT, I once forgot cars could go backwards so when we were in the car and we went back I was so shocked 


@F1N3_L1N3_28 omg that’s so true!


this message may be offensive
Omd my friend was at my house and then her other friend randomly called her on Snapchat bc she was crying so I thought ok thats fine but then we all were playing Roblox together (roblox can be fun do not judge me ok) and I wasn’t very good at the game bc when am I ever good at things and they kept saying how shit I was at it and laughing whilst on the phone then bc I am the way I am, I went all quiet and left the game. My friend was right next to me and telling the other one stuff like “yeh she’s just left” and “she’s probably annoyed but I don’t know why” then she ended up going home and texted me “why was you in a mood w me before” like excuse me you were there,  you should know why and I had a shit day at school aswell. my OTHER friend was telling me I’m shit at pe (like every lesson) um so basically I give up on real life people, sorry this was so long and probs didn’t make sense


@F1N3_L1N3_28 I hope my dad doesn’t scare him off! I mean he might be the best looking guy at school but he certainly is one of the nicest!!!


@F1N3_L1N3_28 i think that's insane. some people are just.... not good (wow very eloquent i can see extension english is really paying off)


@getout_of_my_kitchen yh literally and then acting like she did nothing wrong 


Help it’s world book day tmr (yes my school still does that ugh) and me and my friend are going as ratatouille and the chef, pretend it’s a book ok we went through 10 different ideas to get this and I’m the chef, and she’s the rat bc she actually is a rat (jk I luv her <3) but her bf and his friends got those big dinosaur costumes and they said they’re going to chase us.. so um yeh and I also got hit w a ball at lunch bc someone thought that would be fun now my finger has a lump on it YAY :/


@F1N3_L1N3_28  he’s going to ask my dad so he can ask me out on our choir concert this Monday!!!!!!


@F1N3_L1N3_28 so I kinda decided against the note! Heh heh heh! So ummmm yeah! Also haven’t told him either


@LarryS36928 aww I hope the note goes well!!


No one can convince me that happily isn’t about Louis, like Harry wrote it and the first lyrics are so obvious, “what you do to me when you hold his hand”about Louis gf at the time. “We were meant to be but a twist of fate made it so we had to walk away” like hello?! And “ I don’t care what people say when we’re together you know I wanna be the one who hold you when you sleep” “and if he feels my traces in your hair sorry luv but I don’t rlly care” “ I know you wanna leave so cmon baby be w me so happily” and more
          Anyway I’m gonna go cry now (rant over, there was just to many lyrics I had to include)


@F1N3_L1N3_28 I think about this daily ToT


@zouis2025REUNION even better reason to do that then yay


Help there’s a boy in my class and his last name is styles, then this other boy in a different schools last name is Tomlinson either I’m going to marry one of them just for the name or I’m gonna get them to marry each other somehow <3 (guys I’m working on the reunion ToT)


@Mey_r28 um I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this.. let’s just say Harry’s riding his doggy lime bikes in heaven? ToT 


@F1N3_L1N3_28 I only see one solution... Go to America and marry the dog


I don’t know if it will work bc I’m not a professional at sharing links like @getout_of_my_kitchen ;)   ToT  but here is my all time favourite live performance of sign of the times, if you wanted me to sing the exact notes I could (or I could at least try bc I cannot sing) 
          https://youtu.be/Y8R-zl7SDUU?si=Ox33l_E9KbC7gDb0    :) 


@zouis2025REUNION I totally agree it’s my favourite part 


@F1N3_L1N3_28 4:38 Just does something to me , istg . 
            I think he should have sang it like that officially you know ? 


@getout_of_my_kitchen it’s a very helpful problem at least, bc I love watching them ToT


Omg I tried Dubai chocolate today, but we gave some to this boy who was allergic to nuts but we didn’t know ToT


Stop my brothers friends are over so there’s a bunch of 21 yo walking round my house ToT I’m isolating myself in my room and I saw my dad, he said there about 9 of them then he walked away and I heard him say “oh there’s more of you!!” WHAT?!?! MORE?! I DONT EVEN HAVE 9 FRIENDS LET ALONE 5?! ALL THESE PEOPLE HAVE KNOWN ME SINCE I WAS LIKE 4 TOT


@F1N3_L1N3_28 Yikes that really stinks! If that ever happens to me, I’m literally running away to one of my friends house!


@LarryS36928 like 11 ToT they kept me up all night lmao


@F1N3_L1N3_28 also I’m so sorry! I feel you!


Hey chase go long!   (Daym)   Nice catch cheer!
          nOt mY nAmE qUaRtErBaCk    
          I have too much free time, please tell me you know what this is so I don’t look like complete freak ToT


@F1N3_L1N3_28 it’s ok! The average adult does change their Profession, at least three times in their life after college/ uni!!!


@LarryS36928 I have absolutely no idea what I wanna do for a job I’m just sat here eating Doritos and reading Wattpad ToT


@F1N3_L1N3_28  thx!!!!! Just seven more years of school before law school! Gotta finish high school, then four years of business then I can finally got to law school! What are you going to school for or planning on or what are you doing for work! Idk!!!


Tell me why it’s half one in the morning and I just violently sobbed to an 8D (sound thing) version of soml and now I’m listening to wmyb live but my fkn headphones died ToT  then I was crying bc zayn sounded scarily too much like an angel, oh and soml is on again TOT