Bros..... What do I do? So I’m pretty sure y’all know about the BLM protests and all of the police brutality, riots, and unjust violence that surrounds this whole topic.
And I’m a complete supporter, I believe that this systematic racism must be stopped as well as the police owning up to all the cruelty built up over the decades. But there’s only so much a gal can take you know? The more I’m reminded that my country is going into chaos the less faith I have in humanity tbh
I wanna adress the issue in the best way I can but at the same time I also wanna take a step back and spread some more vanilla art to try and make peeps happy! I wanna do art that’s not about current world events but at the same time I don’t wanna make it look like I’m denying the incidents that are evidently happening.....
Sometimes I look at the situation and begin to overthink things like, “wait, my best friend has a darker complexion, could she be a target?”, “What about so many small business, I hope they’ll be able to recover”, “Ah what can I do to be more involved in these things??? I can’t donate cuz I’m broke but I can’t protest because there’s still corona,,, well now I feel like a piece of shi-“ and many many many more thoughts identical to these examples.
This is a very stressful time rn and all I wanna say is that I pray you and your loved ones are able to live peacefully and will get through such trying times.
(sorry for the long rant)