this message may be offensive
aint no way i js seen a comment from a reader of mine (that votes all the time and comments sometimes) name dropping me and my book on a tiktok hating on the fact that some blue lock fics have a female MC and it makes no sense. The commentor wrote 'perfect example is (.....)' AND NAME DROPS ME????? which i get like okay but ur out here shading me yet u still read my shit?? Oh okay. 


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EXACTLYYYYY Like i js write whatever bc i like writing it gives me like freedome or sum shi like that,, the thing that got was she was hating but reading my shit at the same time LMAOOOO thank you for your support, it means a lot to me!! <3


@FA1RYLICIOUS BRO I THINK I SAW THIS VID IT WENT CRAZY ON TR AND TONS OF PP WERE RECC FICS AND U WAS STALKIN THE COMMENTS , BUT LIKE GENUINELY IGNORE IT SOME PP LIKE TO ACT COOL BY HATIN THEY THINK THEYR SWAG OR SUMTHlike are we not allowed to have opinions and likes tf not everyone would want the same y/n that this hater wants like she needs to calm down bruh i do not get pp who hate on anything, but genuinely i love ur work and i admire ur writings let em bitches rot in hell 


this message may be offensive
aint no way i js seen a comment from a reader of mine (that votes all the time and comments sometimes) name dropping me and my book on a tiktok hating on the fact that some blue lock fics have a female MC and it makes no sense. The commentor wrote 'perfect example is (.....)' AND NAME DROPS ME????? which i get like okay but ur out here shading me yet u still read my shit?? Oh okay. 


this message may be offensive
EXACTLYYYYY Like i js write whatever bc i like writing it gives me like freedome or sum shi like that,, the thing that got was she was hating but reading my shit at the same time LMAOOOO thank you for your support, it means a lot to me!! <3


@FA1RYLICIOUS BRO I THINK I SAW THIS VID IT WENT CRAZY ON TR AND TONS OF PP WERE RECC FICS AND U WAS STALKIN THE COMMENTS , BUT LIKE GENUINELY IGNORE IT SOME PP LIKE TO ACT COOL BY HATIN THEY THINK THEYR SWAG OR SUMTHlike are we not allowed to have opinions and likes tf not everyone would want the same y/n that this hater wants like she needs to calm down bruh i do not get pp who hate on anything, but genuinely i love ur work and i admire ur writings let em bitches rot in hell 


My figurines of Bachira, Isagi, Yuji Itadori and Toji Fushiguro finally came :') they are so cute :3 im waiting for my four minis of Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Bokuto and Akashi and my collection is finally gonna take off aaaaaa I'm so excited x-x