Dnes je presne 65. rokov od toho, ako vyšla kniha Kto chytá v žite od Salingera. Je to jedna z kníh ktorú by si mal každý rozhodne prečítať aspoň raz za svoj život, takže ak ste to ešte nespravili, neodkladajte to. Naučí vás strašne veľa aj keď je ťažká na pochopenie (samej mi to chvíľu trvalo a musela som sa opýtať, ako to vlastne Salinger myslel)
"Mne sa kniha ozaj ráta vtedy, keď ju dočítam a chcem, aby som bol s autorom, čo to napísal, ohromný kamarát a aby som mu mohol hocikedy zavolať, kedy sa mi len zachce. Ale to sa mi často nestáva."
Today is exactly 65 years since The Catcher In The Rye by Salinger was published. It's one of the books everyone should read at least once in their lives, and if you haven't yet, you definitely should. It will teach you so much even though it's kind of hard to understand. (it took me a while too and i had to ask people what Salinger wanted to share with us.)
"What really knocks me out is a book that, when you’re all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn’t happen much, though."